Safer Rides, Save Lives
The CPD Incentive has now closed.
However, we look forward to announcing more from the Safer Rides Programme in the future.
Back in July, we launched the Safer Rides programme as part of Farm Without Harm's wider focus on reducing vehicle-related harm. The initial aim was to help make existing quad bikes safer, in response to the high number of fatalities involving roll-overs.
Rabobank spear-headed the pilot programme to incentivise CPDs and worked with us to get more industry partners on board. We couldn’t be more proud of our sector, working together to reduce harm on farm.
Thanks to Rabobank, ANZCO Foods, PGG Wrightson, FMG Insurance, LIC, Craigmore Sustainables, and Silver Fern Farms, 153 farmers have taken up the roll protection incentive to make their bikes safer.
Demand exceeded supply and we continue to look at ways to grow the initiative.