Let’s keep each other safe over the summer break
On New Zealand farms, vehicles are our workhorses. But they’re also the leading cause of accidents—and sometimes, tragedies. Especially over summer.
This summer, farmers are reminding us to take the time to slow down, wear the gear and get home to enjoy time with our loved ones.
It starts with the choices we make. Let’s keep each other safe over the summer.
Farmers send a message to keep each other safe on farm this summer
A message from the farming community to keep ourselves and our families safe on summer especially around vehicles. Thanks to farmers, Emma Crutchley (and son Rueben), George Dobson, Ben Dooley, Jon Pemberton, Jason Miller and Dan Frew for lending their voices to this important cause.
It’s time we all pull together, to Farm Without Harm.
Farm Without Harm seeks to curb the human cost in producing food and fibre by designing harm out of farming, and sharing knowledge and experience. Our work is underpinned by the Farm Without Harm strategy, the first whole-of-sector and whole systems approach to designing preventable harm out of New Zealand’s farming systems.